PCD814 Pure Peace


New World Music present one of the most restful and uplifting arrangements of Pachelbel Canon ever made. Kevin Kendle and Llewellyn have created a deeply calming and peaceful album that is ideal for relaxation or meditation. On “Source to Sea” Kevin Kendle takes you on a journey from the fresh source of a stream down through lush woodland valleys and greenwood. As the river’s journey slows and is lost to the sea, Llewellyn magically captures the romance and stillness of the calm within us all as we walk and reflect “By the Shore”. Featuring flutes, piano, gentle strings, violins, cello, natural sounds and the beautiful soft vocal harmonies of Juliana. This deeply relaxing music is ideal for quite reflection on lazy days and restful evenings.

Artist:- Llewellyn

Total running time:- 42:03


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